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Student Chapters


    The goal of the Student Chapters area is to promote Student Chapter activities throughout the state and serves as a resource for the Board of Directors and chapters. Promotes the student chapters/young professionals focus area of human resource professionals through SHRM.

    A Note From The Core Leadership Area Director

    Dear Student Chapter Members,

    Welcome to the NYS State Council College Relations/Young Professionals page!  This site will host reminders for collegiate chapters, resources within the website, and additional information for you to consider as you move forward with your chapter and your HR career during the academic year.

    Your goals are our goals, so let us know how the NYS SHRM State Council can get you there.  Most importantly, do you know your local affiliated chapter?  Check out the list of chapters throughout the state to find your local chapter to contact.  Need an introduction to your local chapter?  I would be happy to facilitate that for you!  Local chapters are eager to partner with you for events, professional development and networking. 

    If you have ideas for this site, please reach out.  We look forward to working with you!

    Professional Development

    You will need to log into your SHRM account to access some of below resources:


    Visit your campus Career Center, your campus job/internship portal (such as Handshake) or the local chapter Jobs pages to see what is available!\

    Micro Internships: These are great opportunities for short-term projects with long-term impact.  For more information, check out Parker Dewey.

    Stay Up To Date In The Field has daily updates on the latest issues, trends, concerns and policies impacting the world of work.  For the most recent updates, visit or sign up for daily newsletters.  A few articles of interest include:

    Commuting?  Walking to class?  Check out these informative podcasts:

    Ten Characteristics of Successful Student Chapters

    1. Participate regularly in the Merit Award program, elect a VP- Merit.
    2. Elect chapter officers in April and begin planning for the fall term/ good succession planning.
    3. Cultivate strong faculty support for the chapter.
    4. Maintain regular communication with the chapter advisor.
    5. Work closely with their sponsoring chapter or local professionals.
    6. Establish a schedule and hold regular chapter meetings.
    7. Communicate with the national SHRM office.
    8. Actively recruit freshman and sophomores (undergraduate) or first-year graduate students (graduate) for chapter continuity.
    9. Coordinate effective advance publicity for chapter events.
    10. Keep a good balance of both social and educational activities.